Sunday 12 August 2012

Nice to meet you!

If you don't know me personally, been to one of my talks or not a client of mine, you may not know what I am about.  I'm a Business & Marketing Consultant, working in various roles over the past 10 years in marketing, advertising and design.  I specialise in startups, new product launches, hospitality and all things food.

Clients I work with are 5-star hotels, food distributors, brands in Whole Foods, many department stores and consumer goods around the world.  I work with companies to create routes to market and communication plans, ultimately taking them from concept to reality. Not all my clients are in the food industry, but it seems a growing number are.  It must be my passion for all things food that just draw them in!

I call two places home at the moment, New York and the UK, but I love to travel and doubt I will settle in one place for very long without packing up to visit somewhere new.  I just came back from eating my way through Florence and Tuscany.  Italians definitely know how to live and eat!  The highlight of the trip had to be a beautiful bottle of Chianti from a wine tour we did earlier in the day, popped right open on the street listening to the spontaneous orchestra playing at midnight in piazza. If only every Tuesday night was like that!

I created this blog and dedicate it to all the aspiring food entrepreneurs and businesses out there.  Food based businesses are a significant growing number of the startups, and food businesses face their own set of challenges.  I want to share with you all what I have learned, and what I continue to learn working with hospitality and food based businesses both in the US and in the UK.  Manuervering through all the distributors and who is right to sell your product, understanding retail buyers needs, packaging and labelling requirements, health & safety, coordinating insightful focus groups and much more.

Feel free to send me your questions and topic requests. Cheers!

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